06:45 PM
Bruno Merchants
Saskatoon Jacks
06:45 PM
Saskatoon Angels
Delisle Diamond Dogs
08:30 PM
Delisle Diamond Dogs
Saskatoon Angels
08:30 PM
Saskatoon Jacks
Bruno Merchants
06:00 PM
Sask Fury Selects U20
Hanley Merchants
08:00 PM
Hanley Merchants
Sask Fury Selects U20
06:45 PM
Delisle Diamond Dogs
Bruno Merchants
08:30 PM
Saskatoon Jacks
Saskatoon Angels
06:45 PM
Delisle Diamond Dogs
Saskatoon Angels
08:30 PM
Saskatoon Jacks
Bruno Merchants

Constitution and Bylaws

Saskatoon Amateur Softball Association

Effective January 1, 2002

Revision - January 1st , 2009


Article I: Name and Objectives

1. The Name

The name of this organization shall be the Saskatoon Amateur Softball Association,

hereafter called the S.A.S.A.

2. Objectives

The objectives of the S.A.S.A. shall be to foster, improve and perpetuate the game of

softball, and to assist and encourage all clubs under the jurisdiction of the S.A.S.A. This

shall also be the nature of the business of the S.A.S.A.


Article II: Membership

1. Team membership

a) Team membership shall be granted by the S.A.S.A. at the discretion of the Executive


b) The term of membership shall begin upon registration and payment of annually set

fees and shall exist until the next annual registration date.

 2. S.A.S.A. Membership

a) S.A.S.A. membership may be granted to individuals at the discretion of the Executive



Article III: Officers, Executive Council, Committees, and Appointees

1. Officers

The officers of the S.A.S.A. shall consist of the following:


1st Vice President

2nd Vice President

3rd Vice President

Marketing Manager

Communications Manager


Finance Manager


Past President

 2. The Executive Council

The Executive Council shall consist of the following:


1st Vice President

2nd Vice President

3rd Vice President

Marketing Manager

Communications Manager


Finance Manager


The Protest Committee

The Finance Committee

 3. Committees

The Constitution Committee

The Play downs and Regulations Committee

The Protest Committee

The Finance Committee

 4. Appointees

The Nominating Committee

League Coordinators


Article IV: Powers & Duties

1. Officers

A. The President

i) Preside at all meetings of the S.A.S.A. and be an active member of all committees.

ii) Establishes agendas in consultation with executive.

iii) Acts as official spokesperson for the Association.

iv) Sets dates for the executive and AGM meetings.

v) Coordinates committees as needed.

vi) Ensures that the objectives of the Association are carried out.

vii) Passes on all committee records and official materials gathered throughout the year

to the newly elected President.

viii) Has authority to call a Financial Committee meeting if situation warrants it.

ix) Have the authority to designate any member of the Executive Council to carry out

his/her duties, in connection with some specific undertaking. The designated member

shall exercise the duties of the President and his/her decision shall be final.

x) Acts as a signing authority (cheeses and documents).

 B. 1st Vice President

i) Works together with President to carry out the objectives of the Association.

ii) In absence of the President, have all the powers and perform all duties of the


iii) Acts as a signing authority (cheeses and documents).

iv) Oversee the Men’s Division within the SASA League

v) Shall document and maintain all suspensions within the Men’s Division

 C. 2nd Vice President

i) Works together with President to carry out the objectives of the Association.

ii) In absence of the President, collaborate with the 1st & 3rd Vice Presidents to ensure

league operations operate in accordance of Bylaws & Operating Rules

iii) Acts as a signing authority (cheeses and documents).

iv) Oversee the Ladies Division within the SASA League

v) Shall document and maintain all suspensions within the Ladies Division

 D. 3rd Vice President

i) Works together with President, 1st & 2nd Vice Presidents to carry out the objectives of

the Association.

ii) In absence of the President, collaborate with the 1st Vice & 2nd Vice Presidents to

ensure league operations operate in accordance of Bylaws & Operating Rules

iii) Acts as a signing authority (cheeses and documents).

iv) Oversee the submission of all operating legal documents, CRA Reporting, Workers

Compensation reports, Information Services Corporation Registry reports,

v) Shall record all report submissions to Federal, Provincial, M unicipal Governances

 E. Secretary

i) Keeps records of attendance at executive and AGM meetings.

ii) Maintains a current executive and committee list with telephone numbers.

iii) Distributes copies of the executive minutes to executive officers.

iv) Passes on the minute's book and all other official material in his/her care to newly

elected secretary.

 F. Finance Manager

i) maintains financial records of the Association as required by law.

ii) Works with the Finance Committee to prepare a budget of revenues and expenses.

iii) Prepares a financial report for regular meetings (if unable to attend, Chairperson is

responsible for giving report).

iv) Manages the Association's money by receiving all monies and dispersing monies as

authorized by the Association, ensuring proper documentation.

v) Maintains an accurate accounting of each event's revenues and expenditures.

vi) Prepares a year-end financial statement to be presented at the Annual General

Meeting for the previous year.

vii) Acts as a signing authority (cheeses and documents).

viii) Arranges for new signing authorities for incoming executive.

ix) Passes on all financial records to the newly elected Treasurer.

 G. Registrar

i) Shall maintain accurate team and player lists.

ii) Shall document and maintain all team defaults and forfeitures and notify Treasurer to

collect penalties before team's next game.

iii) Shall develop the Men’s & Ladies Division schedules

iv) Shall develop the League Playoff schedules

v) Shall be chairperson of the Playoffs and Regulations Committee.

 H. Marketing Manager

i) Shall represent the SASA League with all potential League Sponsors

ii) Works with the Finance Committee & present any SASA Marketing Initiatives

iii) Acts as the Marketing Manager for all SASA Hosted Canadian & Western Canadian


iv) Works with the SASA Communications Manager in developing any required

marketing materials

v) Acts as an Liaison capacity with Government programming

 I. Communications Manager

i) Shall work with all SASA Executive Members in developing a yearly Communication


ii) Shall coordinate the development and implement the required Press Releases

iii) Shall coordinate and develop the required Communication Plans for any SASA

Hosted Canadian & Western Canadian Championships.

iv) Shall develop any requested communications to Media outlets as required

v) Shall coordinate & develop League News updates

vi) Shall develop an ongoing Communications with Softball Associations , Provincially

.Nationally & International

 J. Past President

i) Shall act in advisory capacity and as such shall be a non voting ex - officio member of

all committees.

 2. The Executive Council

i) Shall have all the administrative powers of the S.A.S.A.

ii) Decisions shall be passed by the majority vote of the Executive Council in meeting.

(The Finance and Protest committees shall each have only one vote), or a quorum

consisting of the five (5) Officers of the Executive Council.

iii) Shall fill vacant offices of the S.A.S.A.

 3. Committees

A. Playoffs and Regulations Committee

i) Chairperson is to be Registrar.

ii) Draw up all league and playoff schedules and make available to all affiliated teams.

iii) Have the power to amend the Constitution and Regulations governing play off

competitions in case of emergence. Its interpretations on such matters shall be final.

 B. Protest Committee

i) Chairperson is to be 1st Vice President. Vice Chairman will be the 2nd Vice President

ii) Shall consist of 3 elected members excluding Chairperson

iii) Deal with all protests presented to membership.

 C. Finance Committee

i) Chairperson is to be Treasurer.

ii) Shall consist of 3 elected members excluding Chairperson.

 4. Appointees

A. Nominating Committee

i) consists of a coordinator and two (2) members appointed by the executive officers.

ii) Shall not include members of the current executive.

iii) Maintains a process of nominations.

iv) Seeks out nominations for the elected positions.

v) Presents the list of names of the nominees and the position that they are running for.

vi) Provides the ballot sheets for the election at the AGM.

vii) Coordinator to select and supervise three (3) members at large to tabulate the

ballots and report the results of the election at the annual meeting of the S.A.S.A.

 B. League Coordinators

i) Shall consist of one person from each division.

ii) Shall represent their division at all League Coordinating Committee Meetings and

other meetings at the call of the Executive.

iii) Shall maintain accurate team and player lists


Article V: Meetings

1. Annual General Meeting

a) The Annual General Meeting of the S.A.S.A. shall be held no later than September


b) Notification shall be made to S.A.S.A. members, by letter, of the date of the meeting,

at least 20 days before the scheduled date.

c) Order of business shall be:

i) Reading of credentials

ii) Reading of minutes of the last general meeting and adoption thereof

iii) Business arising from the minutes

iv) Finance Managers report and year end financial statement

v) Registrar's report

vi) Committee reports

vii) President's Report

viii) Vice President’s Reports

ix) Marketing Manager Report

x) Communication Manager Report

xi) Reading of correspondence

xii) General business

xiii) Election of officers

xiv) New business

xv) Adjournment

 2. Semi - Annual General Meeting

a) Shall be held no later than April15th.

b) Notification shall be made to S.A.S.A. members, by letter, of the date of the meeting,

at least 20 days before the scheduled date.

c) Order of business shall be:

i) Reading of credentials

ii) Reading of minutes of the last general meeting and adoption thereof

iii) Business arising from the minutes

iv) Treasurer's report and temporary budget

v) Registrar's report

vi) Committee reports

vii) President's Report

viii) Reading of correspondence

ix) General business

x) Election of officers

xi) New business

xii) Adjournment

 3. Special General Meetings

A special General Meeting of the S.A.S.A. may be called by the President as, and

when, he considers it necessary, but he shall always call a Special General Meeting

when requested in writing to do so by at least three (3) members of the Executive

Council. The meeting shall be called within seven (7) days from receipt of such request.

Notification of such a meeting shall be made to Executive Council members at least two

(2) days before the scheduled time of the meeting.

 4. Executive Council Meetings

An Executive Council Meeting may be called by the President as, and when, he

considers it necessary, but he shall always call a Special General Meeting when

requested in writing to do so by at least three (3) members of the Executive Council.

The meeting shall be called within seven (7) days from receipt of such request.

Notification of such a meeting shall be made to Executive Council members at least two

(2) days before the scheduled time of the meeting.

 5. Committee Meetings

Committee meetings are to be called as, and when, required by the committees



Article VI: Elections and Appointments

1. Officers

A. The Annual Meeting of the S.A.S.A. officers shall be elected as follows:

- In odd numbered years elections shall be held for President and Registrar.

- In even numbered years elections shall be held for Vice President, Secretary and


B. The newly elected officials shall take office on January 1st of the year following the


C. Should the current President not be re-elected, he shall automatically assume the

office of Past President effective January 1st of the year following the Annual General


 2. Committees

A. Constitution Committee

- Shall consist of the members of the Executive Council.

B. Playoffs and Regulations Committee

- Chaired by Registrar.

- Shall consist of the Protest Committee.

C. Protest Committee

- Chaired by . 1st Vice President.Vice Chairman will be the 2nd Vice President

- Shall consist of three (3) members elected at the Semi -Annual Meeting.

- Shall hold office from the time of their election until the next Semi-Annual Meeting.

D. Finance Committee

- Chaired by the Treasurer

- Shall consist of three (3) members elected at the Semi -Annual Meeting.

- Shall hold office from the time of their election until the next Semi Annual Meeting.

 3. Appointees

A. The Nominating Committee

- Shall consist of three (3) members appointed by the Executive Council as soon after

the Semi - Annual Meeting as possible.

B. League Coordinators

- Appointed by the Executive Council immediately following registration.


Article VII: Voting Privileges

1. Voting privileges at general meetings shall be extended on the basis of:

a) One vote per member team.

b) One vote per Executive Council Member.

c) One vote per any individual given this status by the Executive Council.

2. Under no circumstances shall a person cast more than one vote.

3. The President shall cast a vote only in the case of a tie vote.

4. There shall be NO vote by proxy.


Article VIII: Amendments

1. No amendments or alterations shall be made to the Constitution and Bylaws except

at a general meeting of the S.A.S.A. Notice of any proposed amendments of the

Constitution and Bylaws must be submitted to the Secretary not later than one month or

thirty (30) days before a general meeting. Copies of the proposed amendments are to

be sent to each member not less than fourteen (14) days before the general meeting.

2. All amendments or alterations to the Constitution and Bylaws shall be by two -thirds

(2/3) of the majority vote of the delegates present and authorized to vote at the S.A.S.A.

general meeting.

3. All amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws shall be forwarded to the registrar of

the Saskatchewan Non Profit Corporation Act, as soon as possible.


Article IX: Suspensions

1. The Executive Council reserves the right to suspend or terminate any membership in

the S.A.S.A.

2. An appeal of suspension or termination of membership may be made to the President

or his designate within fifteen (15) days of the notice of suspension or termination.


Article X: Borrowing Power

1. For the purpose of carrying out its objectives, the S.A.S.A. may borrow, raise, or

secure the payment of money in such a manner as it sees fit; but this power shall be

exercised only under the authority of the S.A.S.A. given by a resolution approved at a

properly called meeting of the S.A.S.A. membership.


Article XI: Political Activity

1. The S.A.S.A. shall not vote any of its funds for the purpose of supporting any political

candidate or party, nor shall it in any way be connected with any political candidate or

party by its pledge, endorsement or activity. No political racial or religious test for

membership shall ever be enacted or imposed.


Article XII: Dissolution

1. Subject to the Saskatchewan Non Profit Corporation Act, on dissolution of the

S.A.S.A. its property and assets shall, after the payment of all liabilities, be donated for

such charitable, benevolent or educational purposes as may be decided by the S.A.S.A.

in general meeting.


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