06:45 PM
Saskatoon Angels
Delisle Diamond Dogs
06:45 PM
Bruno Merchants
Saskatoon Jacks
08:30 PM
Delisle Diamond Dogs
Saskatoon Angels
08:30 PM
Saskatoon Jacks
Bruno Merchants
06:00 PM
Sask Fury Selects U20
Hanley Merchants
08:00 PM
Hanley Merchants
Sask Fury Selects U20
06:45 PM
Delisle Diamond Dogs
Bruno Merchants
08:30 PM
Saskatoon Jacks
Saskatoon Angels
06:45 PM
Delisle Diamond Dogs
Saskatoon Angels
08:30 PM
Saskatoon Jacks
Bruno Merchants

Saskatoon Amateur Softball Association Offical Opperating Rules

Effective January 1st , 2002

Revised Oct 1st 2013


A. Definitions and Abbreviations

For the purpose of brevity, the following abbreviations shall be used throughout:

S.A.S.A. - Saskatoon Amateur Softball Association

S.M.S.L. - Saskatoon Minor Softball League


B. League and Divisions

1. The S.A.S.A. will organize as many divisions as are necessary to accommodate the

member teams that register each year.

2. The Executive Council shall designate the team membership in each Division. Every

effort will be made to make each division competitive within itself.

3. The final Division standings of the previous season shall be used as a guide in

establishing membership in Divisions.

4. Any team which has finished last in a Division or has defaulted two or more games,

may be asked to move down one Division.

5. The Executive Council shall assign playing fields for Division and Playoff competition.


C. Relationship with Softball Saskatchewan

1. All teams and players registering for provincial playoffs will be affiliated with Softball


2. All players used as pickups in S.A.S.A. games must be affiliated players with Softball


3. All registered teams shall complete a Softball Saskatchewan registration form and

submit it to the Registrar. This form should be typewritten and all players names in

alphabetical order. The players must also all sign the form.

4. All member teams are eligible to register with Softball Saskatchewan for provincial


5. Teams wishing to register for Softball Saskatchewan playoffs must fill out a Softball

Saskatchewan team registration certificate and submit it, along with the necessary fees

to the Provincial office. Deadline dates vary.


D. Player Registration and Loan

1. Eligibility

A player shall be eligible for registration in the S.A.S.A. provided that the individual:

i) Is not under suspension by Softball Canada, Softball Saskatchewan, S.A.S.A. or any

other affiliated leagues.

ii) Is not already registered with an affiliated team of Softball Saskatchewan that is a

member of the S.A.S.A. or with any team registered with the Saskatoon Minor Softball


iii) Is a bonafide resident of Saskatchewan as of June 30th of the playing year.

2. Procedure for Registration of Players

A. All players must be registered twenty four (24) hours before their first league game.

Registration shall not exist until the players completed registration is in the hands of the


B. Registration must be neatly completed to be accepted by the Registrar.

C. Players may be registered ONLY up to midnight, June 30th.

D. Players may be registered with one team in the S.A.S.A. at any time. Failure to

observe this regulation may lead to suspension.

E. All players become free agents at the end of the current ball season.

F. Any member team may register twenty (20) players for S.A.S.A. play.

3. Procedure for Releasing Players

A. Players may be released up to midnight June 30th only.

B. In the event that a player requesting a release is refused, the individual shall have

the right to appeal this refusal to the Executive Council of the S.A.S.A.. The Executive

Council shall render a decision of the appeal as soon as possible.

4. Procedure for Borrowing Players by S.A.S.A. teams

A. An S.A.S.A. team may borrow a player on a one game basis without registering the

player provided:

i) The individual shall meet the S.A.S.A. eligibility requirements as set out in section D

part 1.

ii) The S.A.S.A. Registrar is notified and has certified the use of the player twenty four

(24) hours prior to the game the individual is to used in.

iii) Special considerations may be granted by the Registrar in certain cases regarding

borrowing of players.

B. The maximum number of players per team, per game, shall be no more than two(2).

C. Teams may borrow players from lower divisions under the following restrictions:

i) No more than two (2) players in any game.

ii) Any individual player may only be used on three (3) occasions total, regardless of

number of teams - 1, 2 or 3.

iii) Players can play any position, but must be in good standing with S.A.S.A., S.M.S.L.,

Softball Saskatchewan and Softball Canada.

iv) Once listed on the score sheet it constitutes an appearance in the game.

v) Permission to use a player must FIRST be obtained from the players coach and then

from the Registrar, who must be notified twenty four (24) hours in advance of the game

they are to appear in.


E. Suspensions, Discipline and Appeals

1. Players, manager, coaches and teams are subject to suspension from the S.A.S.A.

and its activities for the following:

A. Players, Managers and Coaches.

i) For ungentlemanly or unladylike conduct, or use of abusive language to any official,

player or fan on or near the playing field.

ii) For knowingly playing with, or against, a player or club that has been suspended.

iii) For any action detrimental to the game of Softball or the S.A.S.A. as defined by a

three quarters majority vote of the Executive Council.

B. Teams

i) For refusing to play games when they are ordered to and able to field a team.

ii) For playing ineligible players.

iii) For any action detrimental to the game of Softball as defined by a three quarter

majority vote of the Executive Council.

C. All players, manager or coaches ejected from a league game shall automatically

receive a further one (1) game suspension.

2. Procedure

The power of suspension and discipline is vented in a five person Discipline Committee

to be appointed by the Executive Council. If any member of the committee is involved in

the matter to be examined, that individual shall relinquish their position for the duration

of the investigation. The Executive Council shall fill the temporary vacated position by

appointment. The committee will have the authority to gather information by written report or personal

interview, regarding the issue in question. They alone will determine the length of the

suspension. Any suspension in excess of five games will reported to Softball


3. Appeals of Suspension

A. The procedure for appeal of suspension will be that established in Article IX of the

S.A.S.A. Constitution and Bylaws.

B. An appeal of suspension or disciplinary action may be further appealed to Softball

Saskatchewan according to the procedures outlined in the Softball Saskatchewan

Constitution and Bylaws.


F. Defaults, Forfeitures and Game Changes

1. Defaults

A. A default shall be ruled when a team fails to field a team for a scheduled S.A.S.A.

game within fifteen (15) minutes after the scheduled starting time.

B. A team losing by default shall be penalized in the following manner:

i) First Default - One third of performance bond will be retained by the S.A.S.A.

ii) Second Default - The balance of the performance bond will be retained by the

S.A.S.A. and the team will be on probation for the balance of the year.

iii) Third Default - Suspension of membership for remainder of season with no return of

registration fee or performance bond. If suspension occurs prior to June 30th, all players

shall become free agents.

**Team MAY be allowed into the league the following year. To regain entry into the

league the following year the performance bond will be doubled.

iv) Performance bonds will be reimbursed at the S.A.S.A. AGM in the Fall. If a team fails

to have a representative at the AGM - their performance bond, less one third (1/3) of the

total remaining, will be mailed to the team representative.

2. Forfeitures

A. A forfeiture shall be ruled if, for any reason a team has legally begun a game and can

no longer continue. The umpire in charge shall have the authority to declare forfeiture.

B. A team losing by forfeiture may be subject to further disciplinary action if the

Executive Council deems it necessary.

3. Game Changes              GAME PICTURE

A. Any team wishing to change a scheduled league game must get approval from the

Registrar one week prior to the game in question. You may also make the changes

through the league coordinator.

B. It is the responsibility of the team requesting the change to notify and get approval

from the other teams involved.


G. Protests

1. Protests of game decisions must be made in the manner set out in the Softball

Canada Rule Book.

2. Protests should be forwarded to the President and accompanied by fifty dollars ($50).

This sum will be refunded only if the protest is upheld.

3. Protests should be submitted within fourty - eight (48) hours of decision being



H. Rules, Regulations and Operating Procedures

The S.A.S.A. shall govern itself according to the following priorities:

1. The S.A.S.A. Constitution shall take priority over all regulations.

2. The S.A.S.A. Operating Rules shall be the second level of authority.

3. The decisions of the Executive Council shall be considered final in all matters that are

not specifically dealt with in the Constitution and Operating Rules.

4. The softball game rules shall be those established in the current Softball Canada

Rule Book.


I. Ground Rules                           

1. The ground rules for all playing fields shall be established by the Executive Council,

before the beginning of the season.

2. The established ground rules shall be circulated to the teams and umpires involved

on the particular playing fields, if applicable.

3. In case of emergency, ground rules may be established by the umpire and teams

involved if there is mutual agreement.


J. Division Standings and Playoff Procedures

1. Division Standings

A. Teams shall be awarded two points for a win and one point for a tie.

B. Division standings shall be regularly tabulated by the Registrar, or an appointee, and

distributed to the news media.

C. In the case of a tie in point totals at the end of all scheduled division games, the

following procedures shall be used to break the tie:

i) Two teams - the higher position shall be awarded to the team with the most wins.

**If a tie shall still exist, then the most wins in competition between the two teams

involved shall be considered.

**If this formula does not break the tie, and if playoff positions are at stake, a sudden

death game will be played between the teams. Home team for this game will be

established by a toss of a coin.

ii) Three teams - the higher position shall be awarded to the teams with the most wins.

**If a tie shall still exist, then the most wins in competition among the teams involved

shall be considered.

**If this formula does not break the tie, and if the tie shall be for a position higher than

the last playoff position, then the highest position shall be determined by the toss of a

coin and the remaining two teams shall play a sudden death game to determine the

order of finish. Home team for this game shall be determined by the toss of a coin.

**If the tie shall be for the last playoff position, a three team playoff shall take place. A

coin toss will give one team a bye. A sudden death semi final and then final game will

be played with a coin toss determining the home team in each game.

2. Playoffs                         

A. The order of play for S.A.S.A. playoffs in a division shall be as follows:

i) First place team vs. fourth place team.

ii) Second place team vs. third place team.

iii) If one of the top four teams is unable to play, or has indicated in writing by July 15th

of the current playing year that they do not wish to compete in playoffs, the team with

the next highest standing may be asked to compete.

B. Unless otherwise established by the Playdowns and Regulations Committee, all

playoff series will be best of three. Home team privileges in the first and third games of

the series will be held by the team finishing higher in the Division competition.

C. If a playoff series cannot be completed due to weather conditions, and if in the

opinion of the Executive Council, so much time has elapsed as to make the continuation

inadvisable, the winner shall be determined as follows:

i) If only one game of the Final series has been played, the winner of that game shall be

considered the winner.

ii) If no game has been played, or the series is tied, the winner shall be the team with

the best record in League play.


K. Game Procedures

1. The HOME team shall be the last team mentioned on the schedule.

2. The home team will provide new and playable balls sanctioned by the S.A.S.A.

3. The home team will provide official S.A.S.A. scoresheets and a scorekeeper, if

applicable to the division.

4. The home team will provide and properly place bases, if applicable to the division.

5. Scoresheets must contain the full names of all players used and their positions


6. Immediately after the game, completed scoresheets must be delivered by the winning

team to the Bob Van Impe Stadium announcers booth Failure to deliver scoresheets

will lead to forfeiture of the two points earned. This does not apply to teams playing at

BVI Stadium and Joe Gallagher Field


L. Postponement of Games                       

1. In the event that a scheduled game must be postponed, the teams involved will be

notified by a member of the Executive Council as soon as possible.

2. In the event of a late afternoon postponement, the radio and TV stations will be

notified and will carry information to that effect.

3. If no postponement has been arranged by the Executive

Council, then the umpires shall have the responsibility for determining whether the

games will be played.

4. Postponed games will usually be rescheduled, however if a game proves to have no

bearing on the final standings, it may not be rescheduled.


M. Uniforms

1. All S.A.S.A. teams will be expected to have their players dress uniformly. A minimum

requirement will be matching shirts or sweaters tucked into the pants.

2. Teams in all top divisions, men and ladies, must have their players fully uniformed. A

full uniform shall consist of matching caps, numbered uniform shirts, ball pants or

shorts, stirrup socks, and sanitary hose.

3. Matching ball caps must be worn by all male players in all Divisions at all times.

4. Teams failing to observe the requirements regarding uniforms will be subject to

disciplinary action.


N. General Conduct

1. Sportsmanlike conduct is of highest priority.

2. Any S.A.S.A. team sponsoring a tournament must apply for a sanction from Softball

Saskatchewan. Teams playing in these tournaments must be affiliated by Softball

Saskatchewan or their own provincial association.

3. All trophies and plaques are to remain in the possession of the S.A.S.A. and will be

updated annually.

4. Honorariums.



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